Wadjda (2012) is a groundbreaking Saudi Arabian film directed by Haifaa Al Mansour. It is the first feature film to be shot entirely in Saudi Arabia and directed by a woman. The story tells the story of Wadjda, an ambitious 10-year-old girl who dreams of owning a bicycle, a symbol of Freedom and independence in a conservative society.
Wadjda’s determination to take up cycling leads her to challenge societal norms as girls in her community are shunned from doing so. The film beautifully captures her family relationships, friendships, and her journey overcoming the limitations placed on women in Saudi culture. Wadjda’s relationship with her mother highlights the generational differences in attitudes towards gender roles.
Wadjda - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Wadjda |
Genre: | Drama |
Release Date: | September 10, 2012 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Al Mansour’s direction brings warmth and humour to the story, making Wadjda a likeable and inspiring character. The film received critical acclaim for its moving storytelling and cultural significance, paving the way for more female voices in Saudi cinema.
Overall, “Wadjda” is a fascinating and thought-provoking film that touches on universal themes of empowerment and resilience.
Wadjda Screenshot
Wadjda Trailer
Wadjda (2012), directed by Haifaa Al Mansour, is a groundbreaking Saudi Arabian film that tells the story of Wadjda, a spirited 10-year-old girl who dreams of owning a bicycle in a conservative society. Her determination to ride a bike, overcoming family dynamics and societal expectations, reflects her desire for Freedom and independence.
The film focuses on the challenges faced by women in Saudi Arabia while maintaining a warm and humorous tone. Wadjda’s relationship with her mother adds depth to the story and highlights generational differences in attitudes towards gender roles.
Al Mansour’s direction and the film’s moving story make Wadjda relatable and inspiring, marking a key moment in Saudi cinema. Rating: 4.5/5