The Wolf of Wall Street, released in 2013, is a biographical black comedy directed by Martin Scorsese that depicts the life of stockbroker Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The film tracks Belfort’s rise and fall in the financial world in the late 1980s and 1990s.
Belfort begins his career at a respected brokerage but quickly becomes disillusioned. He starts his own firm, Stratton Oakmont, where he uses aggressive sales tactics and engages in rampant corruption, including fraud and money laundering. The film depicts Belfort’s excesses, including lavish parties, drug abuse, and the hedonistic pursuit of wealth. Supported by a talented cast including Jonah Hill as his right-hand man Donnie Azoff, the film is a satirical portrayal of Wall Street greed and moral decadence. Scorsese’s dynamic direction and DiCaprio’s charismatic performance provide a compelling examination of ambition and its consequences.
The Wolf of Wall Street - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Wolf of Wall Street |
Genre: | Biographical Comedy-Drama |
Release Date: | December 25, 2013 (USA) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The Wolf of Wall Street Screenshot
The Wolf of Wall Street Trailer
While the film was praised for its energy and humor, it also sparked controversy for glamorizing unethical behavior. Ultimately, The Wolf of Wall Street serves as both a cautionary tale and a meditation on the consequences of limitless ambition, leaving a lasting impression on the discussion of film and financial ethics.