“The Usual Suspects,” directed by Bryan Singer and released in 1995, is a mystery thriller known for its complex story and shocking twist. The film centers on a group of criminals who come together for a heist that quickly goes wrong.
The Usual Suspects - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Usual Suspects |
Genre: | Crime, Thriller, Mystery |
Release Date: | August 16, 1995 |
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The main story is told by Verbal Kint, played by Kevin Spacey. He is a con artist who survives a bloody attack led by a mysterious figure named Keyser Söze. While being questioned by the police, Verbal shares what happened before the heist, mentioning other criminals like Dean Keaton (Gabriel Byrne), Michael McManus (Stephen Baldwin), and Fred Fenster (Benicio del Toro).
The movie skillfully uses flashbacks and unreliable storytelling to keep viewers curious about Keyser Söze’s true identity. The suspense is enhanced by sharp dialogue and a haunting score by John Ottman.
“The Usual Suspects” was praised by critics, especially for Spacey’s role, which won him the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. The film is admired for its smart storytelling and has become a cult classic, often noted for its influence on crime thrillers and its famous twist ending.