The Super Mario Bros. Movie, released in 2023 and directed by Aaron Horvath and Michael Jelenic, is a colorful animated film that brings the famous video game characters to life. The plot follows Mario, voiced by Chris Pratt, and his brother Luigi, voiced by Charlie Day, as they leave their plumbing job in Brooklyn and enter the magical Mushroom Kingdom.
The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Super Mario Bros. Movie |
Genre: | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy |
Release Date: | April 5, 2023 |
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When the evil Bowser, voiced by Jack Black, captures Luigi, Mario teams up with Princess Peach, voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy, and Toad, voiced by Keegan-Michael Key, to save him and stop Bowser from taking over. The film includes fun features from the Mario universe, showcasing recognizable places, power-ups, and nods to fans that appeal to both old fans and new viewers.
Visually, the movie is stunning, with bright Animation and exciting action scenes. The voice actors bring life to their characters, especially Jack Black’s lively performance as Bowser, which adds both humor and depth.
With its mix of adventure, comedy, and touching moments, The Super Mario Bros. Movie successfully captures the essence of the games while telling an enjoyable story. Its combination of nostalgia and fresh storytelling has made it popular with audiences of all ages, celebrating the lasting impact of the Mario franchise.