“The Irishman” is a crime film from 2019, directed by Martin Scorsese. It is based on the book “I Heard You Paint Houses” by Charles Brandt. The story follows Frank Sheeran, played by Robert De Niro, who is a hitman working with the Bufalino crime family and has ties to labor leader Jimmy Hoffa, portrayed by Al Pacino.
The Irishman - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Irishman |
Genre: | Crime, Drama, History |
Release Date: | November 1, 2019 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Taking place in post-war America, the film covers many years, showing how Frank rises in the mob and his complex relationships, especially with Hoffa and crime boss Russell Bufalino, played by Joe Pesci. As Frank looks back on his life and decisions, the film explores themes like loyalty, betrayal, and the passage of time.
Using advanced technology to show the characters at different ages, Scorsese adds depth to the story. The film’s pacing and structure reflect the long, thoughtful nature of Frank’s life, leading to a powerful look at regret and morality.
“The Irishman” received high praise for its direction, acting, and screenplay, earning ten Academy Award nominations. It is an important work in Scorsese’s career, providing a deep look at organized crime and human experience.