“The Innocents,” a psychological Horror film released in 2021, is directed by Eskil Vogt. The movie takes place in a quiet neighborhood and follows a group of children who find out they have strange supernatural powers. As they play and discover these abilities, their innocent fun turns dark, leading to disturbing outcomes.
The Innocent - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Innocent |
Genre: | Horror, Mystery, Thriller |
Release Date: | August 27, 2021 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The main character, Ida, is a young girl who deals with her own problems while making friends with other kids nearby. Their friendships show the complicated nature of childhood innocence and the hidden darkness that can exist. As their powers increase, so does the tension, creating a powerful story about morals and the concept of evil.
Critics have praised “The Innocents” for its thought-provoking story and strong performances, especially from the young actors. The film’s eerie visuals and haunting music add to the feeling of fear, making it a memorable piece in the Horror genre. With a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the film is recognized for its unique approach and emotional depth, highlighting the vulnerability of innocence in the face of fear.