“The Hangover” is a comedy from 2009, directed by Todd Phillips. It tells the story of three friends—Phil, Stu, and Alan—who go to Las Vegas for a bachelor party. After a wild night, they Wake Up without remembering what happened and find out that the groom, Doug, is missing.
The Hangover - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Hangover |
Genre: | Comedy |
Release Date: | June 5, 2009 (US) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As they try to piece together the night, they face a series of funny and outrageous situations, including a tiger in their hotel room, a baby in their suite, and a mysterious gangster who is involved in their troubles. The film uses flashbacks to show the crazy events that led to their chaotic situation.
With its sharp jokes and memorable lines, “The Hangover” became a huge success, leading to two sequels and changing the buddy comedy genre. It looks at friendship, responsibility, and the fallout from reckless choices, all while providing plenty of laughs and surprises. The film is still loved for its silly plot and strong performances.