The Greatest Of All Time, also known as GOAT, is an upcoming Tamil sci-fi action movie directed by Venkat Prabhu. The movie stars Vijay, Sneha and Meenakshi Choudhary in the lead roles with Prashant, Prabhu Deva, Yogi Babu, Ajmal Amir, Laila, Jayaram, Premgi, Mohan and Vaibhav Reddy in supporting roles. Music is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, cinematography is by Siddharth Nuni and editing is by Venkat Rajen. The movie is produced by Arkana Kalpathi, Kalpathi S Aghoram, Kalpathi S Ganesh and Kalpathi S Suresh under the banner of AGS Entertainment.
The Greatest of All Time - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Greatest of All Time |
Genre: | Action, Sci-Fi |
Release Date: | 5 September 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The Greatest of All Time Movie Screenshot
The Greatest of All Time Store
Gandhi (Vijay) is an experienced hostage negotiator, field investigator and spy serving with the Special Anti-Terrorist Squad (SATS), a unit based in Chennai that works closely with RAW. A dedicated officer, Gandhi balances a demanding career with a personal life, and is also a devoted husband and father.
His team at SATS includes three other key members who have undertaken numerous dangerous missions throughout their careers alongside Gandhi. But years after their retirement, the team faces unexpected challenges arising from their previous actions. When an old threat resurfaces, Gandhi and his former teammates must reunite to face these dangers head-on and put their skills and courage to the ultimate test to protect what matters most.