Set to premiere on February 16, 2024, “The First Omen” is a chilling prequel to the legendary Horror series. The film delves into the origins of the notorious Damien Thorn and the dark events surrounding his birth. Set against a backdrop of eerie prophecies and supernatural occurrences, it explores how evil can gain a foothold in unexpected places.
The story begins after a mysterious and tragic event that sets off a chain of dark omens. A young couple hoping to have a child unwittingly find themselves embroiled in a sinister plot orchestrated by a powerful cult. Navigating strange events and increasingly disturbing visions, they must confront the horrifying truth about their son’s identity and the dark legacy that shrouds him.
With a talented cast and atmospheric direction, The First Omen promises to blend psychological suspense and paranormal Horror, giving fans a deeper understanding of the series’ lore. The film aims to capture the essence of the original while introducing new elements that will captivate audiences. Get ready for a terrifying journey to the roots of evil when the film hits theaters!
The First Omen - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The First Omen |
Genre: | Horror, Thriller |
Release Date: | February 16, 2024 (US) |
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