“The 40-Year-Old Virgin,” released in 2005, is a romantic comedy directed by Judd Apatow. It tells the story of Andy Stitzer, played by Steve Carell, a middle-aged man who has never had sex. Andy leads a simple life as a stock clerk, but when his friends—portrayed by Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen, and Romany Malco—find out his secret, they decide to help him lose his virginity.
The 40-Year-Old Virgin - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The 40-Year-Old Virgin |
Genre: | Comedy, Romance |
Release Date: | August 19, 2005 (US) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The movie mixes crude humor with touching moments, focusing on love, friendship, and personal growth. Andy’s awkward dating experiences create many funny situations, including some bad dates and a developing relationship with a woman named Trish, played by Catherine Keener.
Carell’s acting, combined with clever writing and a strong cast, makes the film both entertaining and relatable. “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” received praise from critics and was a box office hit, helping to establish Apatow as an important figure in comedy. Today, the film is still a favorite, known for its memorable lines and iconic scenes.