Strays is a 2023 comedy film directed by Josh Greenbaum that takes a humorous and heartfelt look at the lives of abandoned pets. The story revolves around Reggie, a lovable but naive dog voiced by Will Ferrell, who discovers that his self-centered owner has no intention of keeping him. Left behind, Reggie joins a group of stray animals, including a street-savvy Boston Terrier (voiced by Jamie Foxx) and a tough but compassionate dog (voiced by Isla Fisher).
Strays - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Strays |
Genre: | Comedy, Animation, Adventure |
Release Date: | August 18, 2023 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Strays Screenshot
Strays Trailer
Navigating the challenges of life on the street, the group embarks on a mission to find Reggie a new home while dealing with the strange and often chaotic world of city life. The film explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the importance of finding a true family, whether human or canine. With a runtime of approximately 97 minutes, Strays combines clever humor with emotional moments to appeal to audiences of all ages. The voice actors deliver fantastic performances that bring the characters to life, making this a fun experience for animal lovers. The film’s light-hearted tone and comedic elements make for a fun experience while highlighting the bond between pets and humans.