“Se7en” (1995), directed by David Fincher, is a dark and intense psychological thriller. It follows two detectives, David Mills (Brad Pitt) and William Somerset (Morgan Freeman), as they track down a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins in his gruesome crimes. The story begins with the discovery of a dead body, which leads the detectives to find a disturbing pattern in the murders.
Se7en - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Se7en |
Genre: | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Release Date: | September 22, 1995 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As the investigation unfolds, Mills’ quick and impulsive style clashes with Somerset’s careful and thoughtful method. The film looks at themes of right and wrong, obsession, and what it means to be human, highlighting the moral struggles the detectives face as they deal with the killer’s horrific acts. The tension builds as they try to stop more murders, each one more shocking than the last.
In the film’s shocking ending, the killer, John Doe (Kevin Spacey), sets up a final act of revenge that forces Mills and Somerset to rethink their ideas about justice and sin. “Se7en” is praised for its strong visual style, haunting music, and powerful acting, making it a key film in the crime thriller genre and leaving viewers to ponder humanity’s darker sides.