“Samson” is a biblical epic that tells the ancient story of Samson, a mighty warrior of Israel. Based on the Old Testament account, the film follows Samson’s journey from God’s chosen hero to humble hero. Born with superhuman strength, Samson (Taylor James) is given a divine mission to protect the Israelites from the oppressive Philistine Empire.
Samson - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Samson |
Genre: | Action, Drama, Adventure |
Release Date: | February 16, 2018 (USA) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Samson follows his God’s calling and falls in love with the beautiful Philistine Delilah (Caitlin Leahy) while confronting the traitorous Prince Lara (Billy Zane). With breathtaking action scenes, stunning cinematography and a talented cast, “Samson” brings to life a timeless tale of faith, courage and salvation, exploring the complexities of Samson’s legendary story and the power of his unwavering faith.