“Promising Young Woman,” directed by Emerald Fennell, is a bold dark comedy thriller that premiered on December 25, 2020. The story follows Cassie Thomas, played by Carey Mulligan, a woman deeply affected by the traumatic event involving her best friend, Nina, who suffered sexual assault. After Nina’s case is ignored, Cassie seeks revenge on those who take advantage of women.
Promising Young Woman - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Promising Young Woman |
Genre: | Drama, Thriller |
Release Date: | December 25, 2020 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
By day, Cassie works as a quirky barista, but at night, she pretends to be drunk to trap predatory men and confront them about their actions. Her careful plans lead her to meet different people, including her old classmate Ryan, portrayed by Bo Burnham, whose charm adds complexity to her mission.
The film addresses important issues like trauma, revenge, and society’s role in sexual violence, all while keeping a sharp sense of humor. Fennell’s clever writing and Mulligan’s strong performance received great praise. The movie raises tough questions about justice and accountability, exploring the challenges women face in a male-dominated world, making it both engaging and thought-provoking.