“Prey” (2022), directed by Dan Trachtenberg, serves as a prequel to the famous “Predator” movies, taking place in the Comanche Nation in 1719. The story focuses on Naru, a young and skilled warrior portrayed by Amber Midthunder, who aims to prove her worth in a society dominated by men.
Prey - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Prey |
Genre: | 7.1/10 |
Release Date: | August 5, 2022 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
When a strange predator comes to hunt animals and people, Naru must use her wits and abilities to face this advanced alien foe. The film explores themes of survival, strength, and the conflict between old traditions and new dangers.
“Prey” stands out for its strong character growth and genuine portrayal of Indigenous culture. The cinematography showcases the beauty of nature, while the suspense builds through smart pacing and exciting action scenes. The predator’s advanced technology sharply contrasts with the simple tools and methods of Naru and her tribe, creating an engaging story.
Critics have praised “Prey” for bringing new life to the franchise, providing fresh insights, and telling a gripping story that can be enjoyed on its own. Its mix of action, suspense, and cultural richness makes it a remarkable addition to the Horror and science fiction genres.