Poran (2022) is a Bangladeshi film directed by Raihan Rafi that combines romance, drama and action, and deals with themes like love and social injustice. The story revolves around Sohan, played by Arefin Shuvo, who falls in love with a spirited girl named Poran, played by the talented Apu Biswas. Their love story unfolds against the backdrop of social challenges as Sohan faces off against powerful enemies who threaten her happiness.
The film effectively depicts the conflict of young love amidst societal expectations and familial pressures, and Raihan Rafi’s direction combines compelling storytelling with powerful performances to bring a new perspective to the story. The cinematography captures the vibrant landscape of Bangladesh, enhancing the film’s emotional resonance.
Music plays a key role in Polang, with several memorable songs highlighting the characters’ emotions and the film’s romantic atmosphere. The film’s action scenes are well executed and add tension to the unfolding drama.
Overall, Polang received positive reviews and appealed to a wide audience due to its compelling plot and likable characters. The film successfully combines romance, action and social critique, making it a notable contribution to contemporary Bangladeshi cinema.
Poran - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Poran |
Genre: | Action |
Release Date: | April29,2022 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Poran Screenshot
Poran Trailer
Polan (2022) is a fascinating Bangladeshi film directed by Raihan Rafi that beautifully combines romance, action and social critique. The story follows Sohan, played by Arefin Shuvo, as he embarks on an emotional journey with his lover Polan, played by Apu Biswas. Their romance unfolds despite societal pressures and conflicts, highlighting the struggles of young love in a difficult environment.