“Poolman,” scheduled for release on May 10, 2024, is the first film directed by actor and writer Danny Masterson. This quirky comedy follows an ordinary pool attendant, played by Masterson, who accidentally becomes involved in a strange mystery. Living a dull life in a Southern California apartment complex, he becomes fascinated when he discovers a hidden plot connected to a local crime group.
Poolman - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Poolman |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama, Thriller |
Release Date: | September 13, 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As he moves through his everyday life, the pool attendant turns into an unexpected hero. The film is filled with humor and odd situations, showcasing his journey of self-discovery while highlighting themes of friendship, love, and adventure. It features a lively cast, including well-known actors who add to the comedy.
“Poolman” is visually appealing and packed with witty dialogue, providing a fresh twist on buddy comedies while addressing deeper ideas about identity and purpose. Masterson’s creative approach promises to deliver both laughs and touching moments, ensuring an engaging experience for viewers interested in fun and meaningful storytelling. Get ready for a memorable journey that entertains while keeping you guessing.