Directed by Baz Luhrmann, Moulin Rouge! (2001) is a vibrant musical set in fin de siècle Paris that combines romance, drama and dazzling visuals. The story follows Christian (Ewan McGregor), a young English writer who falls in love with Satine (Nicole Kidman), a beautiful courtesan and star of the Moulin Rouge cabaret.
Searching for inspiration to write, Christian becomes embroiled in the bohemian world of the Moulin Rouge. There, he and Satine experience a passionate romance against a backdrop of vibrant musical performances and lavish costumes. But their love is complicated by Satine’s obligations to a wealthy Duke (Richard Roxburgh), who lusts after her and seeks to take control of the cabaret.
The film is known for its eclectic soundtrack, featuring both original songs and contemporary pop hits reinterpreted in a theatrical style. Luhrmann’s distinctive direction creates a visually stunning experience that combines modernity with classic aesthetics.
Moulin Rouge - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Moulin Rouge |
Genre: | Musical, Romance, Drama |
Release Date: | May 9, 2001 (Cannes Film Festival) |
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Moulin Rouge Screenshot
Moulin Rouge Trailer
Themes of love, sacrifice and the power of art run throughout the story. Moulin Rouge! received critical acclaim, won multiple Oscars and was praised for its emotional depth and unforgettable performances, making it a cultural milestone in musical film.