Moana 2 is an upcoming American animated musical fantasy adventure film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures. The film is a sequel to Moana (2016). It is directed by David Derrick and produced by Christina Cheng and Yvette Merino from a screenplay by Jared Bush and Miller. The film stars Auli’i Cravalho, Dwayne Johnson, , all reprising their roles from the previous film.
Moana 2 - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Moana 2 |
Genre: | Adventure, Animation, Comedy |
Release Date: | US November 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Moana 2 Movie Screenshot
Moana 2 Movie Story
Now, Moana embarks on an epic journey to find out if there are any people who haven’t followed in Motunui’s footsteps. After receiving an unexpected call from her pioneer ancestors, she and her friends set off on the remote waters of Oceania.
Along the way, the crew find themselves in dangerous, long-lost waters, far beyond anything they’ve ever experienced before.
FAQ About Moana 2 Movie
Q1 – Who Directed Moana 2 Movie?
A -David G. Derrick Jr.
Q2-What Genre Is Moana 2 Movie?
Q3-Lead Cast Moana 2 Movie?
A-Auli’i Cravalho
Q4- Rating Of Moana 2 Movie?