Minority Report, released in 2002 and directed by Steven Spielberg, is a sci-fi thriller set in a future where a special police unit uses advanced technology to catch criminals before they commit their crimes. The main character, John Anderton, played by Tom Cruise, is the head of this PreCrime unit.
Minority Report - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Minority Report |
Genre: | Science Fiction, Thriller, Mystery |
Release Date: | June 21, 2002 (US) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The system depends on three psychics, called “precogs,” who can predict murders, allowing the police to arrest the suspects ahead of time. But Anderton’s life changes dramatically when a precog forecasts that he will commit a murder, making him a target of the very system he helped build.
As he flees to clear his name, the film examines important themes like free will versus fate, the ethics of stopping crimes before they happen, and how technology affects society. With its exciting storyline, impressive visuals, and thought-provoking ideas, Minority Report raises significant questions about crime and punishment.
The movie also features a talented supporting cast, including Colin Farrell and Samantha Morton. It is well-regarded for its engaging narrative and fresh perspective on the sci-fi genre. Minority Report stands out in Spielberg’s body of work and offers valuable insights on surveillance and personal freedoms.