“Love, Guaranteed” (2020), directed by Mark Steven Johnson, is a romantic comedy featuring Rachael Leigh Cook and Damon Wayans Jr. The story centers on Nick (Wayans), who hires lawyer Susan (Cook) to take action against a dating site that claims to help people find love but has failed him after 986 dates.
Love, Guaranteed - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Love, Guaranteed |
Genre: | Romance, Comedy |
Release Date: | September 3, 2020 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As Susan works on the case, she faces the ups and downs of modern dating and starts to rethink her own romantic decisions. The movie looks at love, personal growth, and how technology affects relationships.
With its charming settings and light humor, “Love, Guaranteed” delivers an uplifting tale filled with clever dialogue and heartwarming scenes. While some critics found the story predictable, they appreciated the chemistry between the main characters, making it a fun experience for fans of romantic comedies.
Through its engaging story and relatable ideas, “Love, Guaranteed” aims to entertain while exploring the challenges of finding love in today’s digital world.