Logan (2017) is a dark and emotional farewell to the popular character Wolverine, played by Hugh Jackman. The film is set in a dystopian future where mutants have become nearly extinct, and explores themes of aging, loss, and redemption. Worn and broken, Logan hides from the world while caring for the ailing Professor X, played by Patrick Stewart.
The plot revolves around Logan’s reluctant journey to protect Laura, a young mutant with similar abilities. On the run from a ruthless organization that seeks to capture them, Logan confronts his past and the consequences of his violent life. The film brilliantly combines action with deep emotional resonance, depicting Logan’s struggle between his fading powers and his desire for a peaceful life.
Visually striking and narratively powerful, “Logan” stands out as a moving character study and provides a fitting conclusion to Wolverine’s saga. Its mature themes and raw performances earned it critical acclaim, making it one of the best superhero movies ever made, redefining the boundaries of the genre and highlighting the humanity beneath its claws.
Logan - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Logan |
Genre: | Superhero, Drama |
Release Date: | March3,2017 |
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