Hereditary, released in 2018 and directed by Ari Aster, is an unsettling psychological Horror film that deals with grief, trauma, and family heritage. The plot centers around the Graham family after the death of their secretive grandmother, Ellen. As they grieve, they start to uncover dark secrets that have been kept hidden for many years.
Hereditary - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Hereditary |
Genre: | Horror, Drama, Mystery |
Release Date: | January 21, 2018 (Sundance), June 8, 2018 (US) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Annie, the mother, is an artist who faces her own struggles while trying to keep her family together. Her children, Peter and Charlie, handle their pain differently, but a series of terrifying events brings increasing fear and sadness. The film skillfully builds tension through a slow-moving story combined with shocking moments that show the family’s spiral into chaos.
With haunting imagery, a creepy soundtrack, and outstanding performances—especially by Toni Collette as Annie—Hereditary creates a feeling of dread that is both close and overwhelming. It examines how loss affects us and the frightening idea that our fates may be connected to those of our ancestors.
Hereditary has received critical praise and has become a significant film in modern Horror, striking a chord with audiences for its emotional impact and disturbing look at family relationships.