“Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” directed by Jason Reitman and released in 2021, is a sequel to the classic “Ghostbusters” films from the 1980s. The plot revolves around Callie, a single mother played by Carrie Coon, and her two children, Phoebe (McKenna Grace) and Trevor (Finn Wolfhard). They move to a small Oklahoma town after receiving a rundown farmhouse from their estranged grandfather, Egon Spengler, who was originally portrayed by Harold Ramis.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Ghostbusters: Afterlife |
Genre: | Action, Adventure, Comedy |
Release Date: | November 19, 2021 (United States) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
While settling into their new home, the family finds links to the original Ghostbusters and the town’s spooky past. Phoebe, an inquisitive and smart girl, learns about her grandfather’s ghostbusting work, which leads to the revival of the famous proton packs and Ecto-1 vehicle. Along with some new friends, they experience strange supernatural events and must face a growing danger tied to the ghostly happenings in their area.
“Ghostbusters: Afterlife” combines nostalgia with new storylines, honoring the original films while bringing the franchise to a younger audience. The movie was praised for its touching themes of family, legacy, and friendship, as well as its humor and exciting action scenes.