Finding Nemo, directed by Andrew Stanton and released on May 30, 2003, is a touching animated film from Pixar Animation Studios. The story centers on Marlin, a nervous clownfish voiced by Albert Brooks, who is very protective of his only son, Nemo (Alexander Gould), after a sad encounter with a predator.
Finding Nemo - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Finding Nemo |
Genre: | Animation, Adventure, Comedy |
Release Date: | May 30, 2003 (USA) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
When Nemo gets captured by a scuba diver on his first day of school, Marlin starts a dangerous journey across the ocean to save him. He teams up with Dory, a forgetful but cheerful regal blue tang voiced by Ellen DeGeneres. Together, they explore a colorful underwater world filled with interesting characters, such as a group of fish, a friendly shark that doesn’t eat meat, and sea turtles.
The film highlights themes of family, friendship, and facing fears. Its beautiful Animation and deep emotions captured the hearts of viewers of all ages, leading to both critical and commercial success. Finding Nemo earned over $940 million worldwide and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
It continues to have an impact with the beloved sequel, Finding Dory, and remains a treasured classic in Animation, known for its great storytelling and memorable characters.