“Encanto,” directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush and released in 2021, is a Disney animated musical that tells the story of the Madrigal family, who live in a magical house in the Colombian mountains. Every family member has a special gift, except for Mirabel, voiced by Stephanie Beatriz. She struggles to fit in and often feels left out.
Encanto - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Encanto |
Genre: | Animation, Adventure, Comedy |
Release Date: | November 24, 2021 (United States) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
When the family’s magic starts to fade and their home begins to fall apart, Mirabel decides to step in and help her family regain their magic. The film highlights themes of identity, family relationships, and the weight of expectations, while also celebrating Colombian culture.
With its lively Animation and a catchy soundtrack by Lin-Manuel Miranda, “Encanto” touched the hearts of many viewers and critics. The song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” became widely popular, and the film won several awards, including an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, cementing its status in Disney’s history.