“Django Unchained” is a Western film from 2012, directed by Quentin Tarantino. The story takes place in the South before the Civil War and follows Django, played by Jamie Foxx, a freed slave who is trying to save his wife, Broomhilda, portrayed by Kerry Washington, from a cruel plantation owner named Calvin Candie, played by Leonardo DiCaprio.
Django Unchained - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Django Unchained |
Genre: | Western, Action, Adventure |
Release Date: | December 25, 2012 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The plot starts with Django being freed by Dr. King Schultz, a German bounty hunter played by Christoph Waltz. Schultz needs Django’s help to find some criminals, and as they team up, Django shows he has what it takes to be a bounty hunter. In return, Schultz aids him in his mission to find Broomhilda.
This film skillfully mixes different styles, bringing together elements of Spaghetti Westerns and Tarantino’s unique dialogue and dark humor. It explores serious topics like racism, revenge, and the ethics of violence, offering a raw look at slavery and its impact.
“Django Unchained” was praised by critics and won two Academy Awards, including Best Original Screenplay for Tarantino and Best Supporting Actor for Waltz. With its striking direction, strong performances, and unforgettable music, the film stands out as an important piece of modern cinema, highlighting Tarantino’s unique storytelling talent.