“Commando” is a thrilling action movie from 1985, directed by Mark L. Lester and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as John Matrix, a retired Special Forces colonel. The plot begins when Matrix’s old team falls victim to a group of mercenaries led by the sinister Bennett, portrayed by Vernon Wells.
Commando - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Commando |
Genre: | Action, Thriller, Adventure |
Release Date: | October 4, 1985 (USA) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
In a twisted move, the mercenaries kidnap Matrix’s daughter, Jenny, played by Alyssa Milano, to force him into carrying out a hit for them. Determined not to give in, Matrix takes matters into his own hands, showcasing his combat skills and cleverness as he fights to save his daughter and defeat the mercenaries.
The film is packed with thrilling action scenes, featuring explosive gunfights, intense hand-to-hand battles, and memorable lines. Schwarzenegger’s portrayal of the tough and relentless hero defines the classic ’80s action film.
With its blend of action, humor, and patriotic themes, “Commando” has earned a cult following, known for its entertaining style and memorable moments, further establishing Schwarzenegger as a leading action star.