“Citizen Kane,” directed by Orson Welles and released in 1941, is considered one of the greatest films ever made. The movie tells the story of Charles Foster Kane, a rich newspaper owner, using a unique structure that starts with his death and unfolds through flashbacks as a reporter tries to understand his last word: “Rosebud.”
Citizen Kane - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Citizen Kane |
Genre: | Drama, Mystery |
Release Date: | September 5, 1941 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Welles plays Kane, whose journey from a poor background to immense wealth shows themes of ambition, loss, and human relationships. The film explores Kane’s chaotic life, highlighting the emptiness that often accompanies great wealth.
Known for its creative cinematography, including deep focus shots and unusual angles, “Citizen Kane” set new standards in storytelling and film techniques. Its use of shadows, lighting, and innovative sound design has inspired many filmmakers.
While it received mixed reviews at first, the film has since been praised for its artistic merit and deep look at the American Dream. “Citizen Kane” won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and remains a significant work studied for its storytelling and rich themes.