Directed by Frank D. Gorshin, The Overcoat is a crime drama that was released in limited release in the United States on November 6, 2009. The film tells the story of Frank, a former hitman played by the talented Mike Genovese, who is drawn back into the world of violence he left behind.
Set against the backdrop of Chicago’s gritty underworld, the story unfolds as a series of murders come to light and Frank comes face to face with ghosts from his past. Navigating a complex web of crime and betrayal, he must decide whether to seek redemption or return to his old ways. The film has a strong supporting cast, including some familiar faces in the crime genre.
Chicago Overcoat explores themes of loyalty, morality, and the inevitability of the past. With atmospheric cinematography and an intriguing plot, the film captures the essence of a classic gangster tale while adding a modern twist.
Despite its limited release, Chicago Overcoat received positive reviews for its compelling characters and intriguing plot. Appealing to fans of crime dramas, the film offers a thoughtful examination of choices and their consequences in a life of violence.
Chicago Overcoat - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Chicago Overcoat |
Genre: | Crime, Drama, Thriller |
Release Date: | November 6, 2009 (USA, limited release) |
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