“Bullet Train,” which came out on August 5, 2022, is an action-comedy film directed by David Leitch. Brad Pitt stars as Ladybug, an unlucky assassin on a fast train from Tokyo to Kyoto. He doesn’t realize that the train is full of other assassins, each with their own missions that unexpectedly connect.
Bullet Train - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Bullet Train |
Genre: | Action, Comedy, Thriller |
Release Date: | August 5, 2022 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As Ladybug tries to finish his job while dodging fights, he meets a range of interesting characters, including fellow assassins played by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Brian Tyree Henry, and Joey King. The film mixes exciting action with dark humor, creating a stylish and fast-paced story.
Critics enjoyed “Bullet Train” for its thrilling fight scenes, strong performances, and clever dialogue, making it an entertaining and wild experience. The movie combines action and humor while looking at themes of fate and redemption, receiving positive feedback from viewers. With its bright visuals and diverse cast, “Bullet Train” offers a unique movie experience filled with surprises.