Batman, released in 1989, is a pivotal superhero movie directed by Tim Burton, with Michael Keaton in the lead role. Set against the dark backdrop of Gotham City, the film tells the story of Batman’s beginnings as he seeks to avenge his parents’ murder by fighting crime.
Batman - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Batman |
Genre: | Action, Superhero, Thriller |
Release Date: | June 23, 1989 (USA) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The plot centers on Bruce Wayne, a wealthy playboy who takes on the Batman identity to tackle the rampant criminal activities driven by the Joker, played by Jack Nicholson. This villain, a former mobster altered by a chemical mishap, brings anarchy to Gotham with his elaborate plots.
Additionally, the film introduces Vicki Vale, portrayed by Kim Basinger, a journalist who becomes romantically linked with Bruce Wayne, complicating his secret life. Renowned for its moody visuals and memorable score by Danny Elfman, the film set a new standard for superhero features.
Batman achieved both commercial success and critical acclaim, rekindling interest in comic book films. Its impact is evident in many later movies and it stands out as a landmark in the superhero genre.