Ghosts of Venice is a 2023 mystery thriller film directed by Kenneth Branagh and the third in the series starring Agatha Christie’s legendary detective Hercule Poirot. The film takes place during a Halloween séance in an enchanted palace, set against the backdrop of post-war Venice, where secrets and tensions arise among the guests.
Branagh’s Poirot is reluctantly drawn into the investigation when a murder occurs during the event. The cast includes Tina Fey as the witty writer Ariadne Oliver, Michelle Yeoh as the enigmatic Mrs. Reynolds, and Jamie Dornan in a pivotal role. As Poirot delves deeper into the mystery, he weaves through a web of deception and uncovers a dark truth that calls into question his ideas about the paranormal.
A Haunting in Venice - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | A Haunting in Venice |
Genre: | Mystery, Thriller |
Release Date: | September 15, 2023 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
A Haunting in Venice Screenshot
A Haunting in Venice Trailer
Ghosts of Venice is a 2023 mystery thriller film directed by Kenneth Branagh and the third in the series starring Agatha Christie’s legendary detective Hercule Poirot. The film takes place during a Halloween séance in an enchanted palace, set against the backdrop of post-war Venice, where secrets and tensions arise among the guests.
Branagh’s Poirot is reluctantly drawn into the investigation when a murder occurs during the event. The cast includes Tina Fey as the witty writer Ariadne Oliver, Michelle Yeoh as the enigmatic Mrs. Reynolds, and Jamie Dornan in a pivotal role. As Poirot delves deeper into the mystery, he weaves through a web of deception and uncovers a dark truth that calls into question his ideas about the paranormal.