The Call is a South Korean thriller directed by Lee Chung-hyun, which was released on November 27, 2020. The story follows a unique idea about a mysterious phone call that connects two women from different times: Seo-yeon (played by Park Shin-hye) in 2019 and Young-sook (played by Jeon Jong-seo) in 1999.
The Call - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Call |
Genre: | Thriller, Mystery |
Release Date: | November 27, 2020 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Seo-yeon finds an old phone in her childhood home and accidentally reaches Young-sook, sparking an interesting relationship. As they talk, they share their lives, but things take a dark turn when Seo-yeon discovers that Young-sook is connected to a series of murders.
The film smartly examines themes of fate, consequences, and the effects of choices. As Seo-yeon tries to handle the dangerous situation, tension builds, creating a thrilling chase. With its surprising twists and strong acting, The Call keeps the audience engaged.
Critics have praised the film for its captivating story, suspenseful pace, and clever use of time-travel elements, making it a notable title in the thriller genre. It also highlights the emotional struggles of both characters, adding more depth to the plot.