The Handmaiden, released in 2016 and directed by Park Chan-wook, is a beautifully crafted psychological thriller based on Sarah Waters’ novel, Fingersmith. The story takes place in 1930s Korea during the time of Japanese rule. It centers on a con artist named Fujiwara, who enlists a young pickpocket named Sook-hee to help him trick a wealthy heiress, Lady Hideko.
The Handmaiden - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Handmaiden |
Genre: | Drama, Romance, Thriller |
Release Date: | June 1, 2016 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Sook-hee’s job is to pose as Hideko’s handmaiden and aid Fujiwara in winning her over to marry him, so he can claim her fortune. As Sook-hee spends more time with Hideko, their bond grows, unveiling deeper connections filled with both affection and manipulation.
The film unfolds in three acts, each offering different viewpoints and revealing hidden truths that lead to a surprising twist. It explores themes of deception, identity, and desire, all enhanced by rich visuals that heighten the story’s sensuality and suspense.
With standout performances from Kim Tae-ri as Sook-hee and Kim Min-hee as Hideko, The Handmaiden has received critical praise for its storytelling, direction, and stunning visuals, earning several awards and solidifying Park Chan-wook’s status as an exceptional filmmaker.