The Grand Budapest Hotel is a visually striking film directed by Wes Anderson, which premiered on March 28, 2014. Set in the made-up Republic of Zubrowka during the 1930s, it tells the story of Gustave H, an unusual concierge at the luxurious Grand Budapest Hotel, played by Ralph Fiennes.
The Grand Budapest Hotel - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | The Grand Budapest Hotel |
Genre: | Comedy, Drama |
Release Date: | March 7, 2014 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
When a wealthy guest is murdered, Gustave finds himself wrapped up in a mystery and teams up with Zero, the hotel’s lobby boy, played by Tony Revolori. Together, they navigate a world full of deception, betrayal, and the threat of war. The movie features a talented cast, including F. Murray Abraham, Jude Law, and Saoirse Ronan, who each contribute to the film’s quirky charm.
Anderson’s unique style shines through in the film, with detailed set designs, balanced compositions, and bright colors. The story is layered, using a tale-within-a-tale format that deepens the characters and their journeys.
The Grand Budapest Hotel was praised for its distinct look, clever humor, and touching themes of nostalgia and loss. It received nine Academy Award nominations and won four, making it a noteworthy example of Anderson’s filmmaking style.