Oldboy, directed by Park Chan-wook and released in 2003, is a famous South Korean action thriller that has attracted a loyal audience around the world. The story centers on Oh Dae-su, played by Choi Min-sik, who is locked away in a strange cell for 15 years. He has no idea who is keeping him there or why. When he suddenly gains his Freedom, Dae-su sets out to find revenge and understand why he was imprisoned.
Oldboy - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Oldboy |
Genre: | Drama, Mystery, Thriller |
Release Date: | Date: November 21, 2003 (South Korea), April 2004 (USA) |
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As he adjusts to a world that has changed a lot while he was gone, he meets a young sushi chef named Mi-do, played by Kang Hye-jung, who becomes his friend. The film looks at themes like revenge, loneliness, and human suffering. Dae-su’s journey reveals shocking truths about his past and the person who caused him pain.
Oldboy is well-known for its stunning visuals, powerful performances, and a gripping story filled with surprises that leads to a memorable ending. The film won the Grand Prix at the 2004 Cannes Film Festival and is considered a masterpiece of modern cinema, influencing many filmmakers and inspiring adaptations in other countries. Its mix of action, drama, and deep psychological themes still resonates with audiences today.