Spirited Away, directed by Hayao Miyazaki and released in 2001, is a highly praised animated film from Studio Ghibli. The plot follows a girl named Chihiro, who ends up in a strange spirit world after her parents are changed into pigs. To save them and return to the human world, she needs to navigate a magical land filled with unusual creatures and gods.
Spirited Away - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Spirited Away |
Genre: | Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy |
Release Date: | July 20, 2001 (Japan), September 20, 2002 (USA) |
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Chihiro gets a job at a bathhouse owned by the witch Yubaba, who takes away her name, forcing her to go by Sen. During her adventure, she meets many characters, including the mysterious spirit Haku, who offers her guidance. The film beautifully touches on themes like identity, caring for the environment, and growing up.
Spirited Away is famous for its amazing Animation, creative world, and touching story. It won several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2003, being the first film not in English to achieve this. Its deep symbolism and well-developed characters have captured the hearts of viewers around the globe, earning it a place as a classic in animated film history.