Gladiator is a historical drama directed by Ridley Scott, which premiered on May 5, 2000. The film features Russell Crowe as Maximus Decimus Meridius, a Roman general betrayed by Commodus, portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix. After Commodus kills his father, Emperor Marcus Aurelius, Maximus is captured, sold into slavery, and made to fight as a gladiator to Survive.
Gladiator - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Gladiator |
Genre: | Action, Adventure, Drama |
Release Date: | May 5, 2000 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Set in ancient Rome, the film looks at themes of honor, revenge, and the fight for Freedom. As Maximus battles in harsh arenas, he earns fame and the love of the public while planning to take revenge on those who wronged him and to reclaim his rightful place.
Known for its impressive visuals, exciting action scenes, and a strong score by Hans Zimmer, the film has received critical acclaim. Crowe won the Academy Award for Best Actor, and Gladiator won five Oscars, including Best Picture.
Gladiator brought new life to the sword-and-sandal genre and has left a lasting mark on film history. Its story of a man’s fight for justice and redemption continues to connect with viewers, making it a modern classic.