“Late Night with the Devil,” scheduled for release on March 22, 2024, is a gripping Horror-thriller that combines the world of late-night TV with supernatural Horror. Directed by the creator of Phantasm, the film is set in the 1970s during a fictional live broadcast of a well-known talk show, hosted by a charismatic and witty actor.
Late Night with the Devil - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Late Night with the Devil |
Genre: | Biography, Drama, Horror |
Release Date: | October 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As the show goes on, a shocking and terrifying guest arrives, leading to a series of disturbing events on air. The host, who starts off calm and collected, quickly finds himself in a nightmare as the studio descends into chaos. The audience watches as he loses his grip on reality amid the dark forces at work.
Capturing the feel of vintage TV, “Late Night with the Devil” pulls viewers into a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. The film deals with themes of fear, manipulation, and the confusing line between what is entertainment and what is real. With a compelling story and strong performances, it aims to provide a haunting experience that will appeal to Horror fans, making it essential viewing for genre enthusiasts.