One Night in Miami (2020), directed by Regina King, tells a powerful story about a fictional gathering of four famous figures: Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Sam Cooke, and Jim Brown. Set on February 25, 1964, the film takes place in a Miami hotel room after Ali’s big win over Sonny Liston.
One Night in Miami - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | One Night in Miami |
Genre: | Biography, Drama, Sport |
Release Date: | January 15, 2021 (US) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As they talk about their roles in the civil rights movement and their personal challenges, the film looks at themes of identity, activism, and the ups and downs of fame. Each character considers their duties to their community and the larger fight for justice, showing their different views on how to make a difference.
King’s direction highlights close dialogue and strong acting, especially from Kingsley Ben-Adir as Malcolm X, Eli Goree as Muhammad Ali, Aldis Hodge as Jim Brown, and Leslie Odom Jr. as Sam Cooke. The film illustrates the tension and unity among these figures, serving as an important reminder of their legacies and the ongoing fight for equality. With its mix of historical background and personal stories, One Night in Miami offers a meaningful look at friendship and purpose during a challenging time.