“Night of the Living Dead,” directed by George A. Romero and released in 1968, is a key Horror film that created the modern zombie genre. The story opens with siblings Barbara and Johnny visiting a cemetery and facing a violent, flesh-eating zombie. In the ensuing chaos, Barbara escapes to an empty farmhouse.
Night of the Living Dead - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Night of the Living Dead |
Genre: | Horror |
Release Date: | October 1, 1968 (United States) |
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Inside the farmhouse, a mix of survivors, including Ben, come together to hide from the growing number of zombies Outside. As fear and uncertainty grow, arguments break out over how to Survive. The film effectively examines themes of social collapse, fear, and human behavior, showing how society can fall apart in times of crisis.
Romero’s clever use of black-and-white film and haunting sound design builds a tense atmosphere that keeps audiences anxious. The film also uses zombies to represent issues like consumerism and the decline of society, which has influenced popular culture for years.
“Night of the Living Dead” received praise for its impactful storytelling, addressing topics like race, class, and community. It led to many sequels and inspired a fresh wave of zombie films, establishing Romero as a pioneer in the genre.