American Pie, released in 1999 and directed by Paul and Chris Weitz, is a teen comedy that became well-known for its honest look at teenage sexuality and friendships. The film centers around a group of high school friends: Jim, Kevin, Oz, and Finch, who face the ups and downs of being teenagers while feeling pressured to lose their virginity before graduation.
American Pie - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | American Pie |
Genre: | Comedy, Romance |
Release Date: | July 9, 1999 (United States) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
After a funny yet embarrassing event with a pie, Jim is motivated to learn more about sex and boost his confidence. His friends join him on this journey, leading to a series of funny and awkward moments. Each character goes through their own path of self-discovery, dealing with feelings of love and the challenges of growing up.
Key supporting characters include Michelle, the quirky band geek who plays an important role in Jim’s life, and Stifler, the loud and funny friend who brings a lot of humor to the story. The film mixes crude jokes with touching scenes, highlighting the importance of friendship and the struggles of young adulthood.
American Pie became a classic, known for its catchy quotes and unforgettable moments, leading to several sequels and leaving a lasting impact on the teen comedy genre.