“Suzume,” a 2023 animated film by Makoto Shinkai, combines fantasy and adventure in a gripping story. It follows a girl named Suzume who finds a strange door in the Japanese mountains. When she opens it, she accidentally brings disaster to the country.
Suzume - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Suzume |
Genre: | Animation, Adventure, Drama |
Release Date: | November 11, 2022 (Japan), April 2023 (International) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
To fix the chaos, Suzume sets out to close the doors she has opened, joined by a talking cat and a young man with a special bond to her. Their journey takes them through beautiful landscapes as they face challenges and meet those affected by the troubles.
The film thoughtfully examines themes of resilience, loss, and the strength of connections. Shinkai showcases his striking Animation and emotional storytelling, creating a touching experience for viewers of all ages.
“Suzume” has received acclaim for its visual beauty and meaningful story, reinforcing Shinkai’s position as a leading figure in Animation. The film encourages viewers to think about how their choices affect others and highlights the importance of hope during tough times.