Huesera: The Bone Woman (2022) is a Mexican Horror film that explores themes of motherhood, identity, and the supernatural. The story follows Valeria, a pregnant woman who is haunted by a mysterious force related to an old legend about a skeletal figure known as La Huesera.
Huesera: The Bone Woman - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Huesera: The Bone Woman |
Genre: | Horror, Drama |
Release Date: | September 2, 2022 (Venice Film Festival), October 6, 2022 (Mexico) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
As Valeria faces the challenges of becoming a mother, she struggles with doubt and fear, heightened by the strange visions and unsettling events tied to her pregnancy. The film combines folk Horror with psychological tension, highlighting the pressures and expectations that society places on women.
With its striking visuals, Huesera creates an eerie atmosphere, while the performances, especially by the lead actress, bring out deep emotions. The film moves beyond traditional Horror elements, offering a thoughtful perspective on the mix of the supernatural and personal experiences, ultimately raising questions about love, sacrifice, and the journey of motherhood.