Sissy, a darkly comedic Horror film that came out in 2022, is directed by Hannah Barlow and Kane Senes. The plot centers on Cecilia, a social media influencer who meets her childhood best friend, Emma, during a bachelorette party in the woods. As they reconnect, old issues and conflicts start to emerge, touching on themes like bullying, the impact of social media, and the challenges of female friendships.
Sissy - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Sissy |
Genre: | Comedy, Horror, Thriller |
Release Date: | October 27, 2022 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
Cecilia, also known as “Sissy,” struggles with her past while dealing with her online image and haunting memories from her childhood. The weekend takes a dark turn as hidden rivalries and secrets are revealed, leading to shocking and violent clashes.
“Sissy” has received praise for its clever humor and sharp look at modern life. Critics have highlighted the film’s mix of Horror and comedy, noting the strong performances, especially from the lead actress. With a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the film offers a fresh and engaging perspective on its genre, connecting with viewers through its commentary on current social issues and the darker aspects of friendship.