“Hellbender,” released in 2021, is a Horror film by directors Zelda and Kevin Adams. The movie tells the story of a teenage girl named Lenora, who lives with her reclusive mother in the Catskills. It explores themes of family, identity, and the supernatural, focusing on Lenora’s discovery of her powers and the strong bond she has with her mother, who keeps dark secrets.
Hellbender - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Hellbender |
Genre: | Drama, Horror, Thriller |
Release Date: | February 2022 (VOD), October 2021 (film festivals) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The film stands out for its mix of body Horror and folklore, taking inspiration from the ancient legend of the hellbender salamander, a creature that represents change and flexibility. The cinematography beautifully captures the eerie and haunting landscape, adding to the film’s unsettling atmosphere.
Critics have praised “Hellbender” for its strong performances, especially by its young lead. The film is noted for its originality and its thoughtful approach to teenage issues, such as independence and the quest for belonging. With a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it has made a significant impact on the Horror genre. Its compelling story and emotional depth make “Hellbender” a distinctive addition to coming-of-age Horror films.