“Dumb and Dumber,” released in 1994, is a beloved comedy directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly, featuring Jim Carrey as Lloyd Christmas and Jeff Daniels as Harry Dunne. The film narrates the silly adventures of two well-meaning but clueless friends who set out on a road trip across the country to return a briefcase full of money to its owner, Mary Swanson, played by Lauren Holly, whom Lloyd has a crush on.
Dumb and Dumber - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Dumb and Dumber |
Genre: | Comedy |
Release Date: | December 16, 1994 (USA) |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
The plot begins when Lloyd discovers the briefcase left in a taxi and, thinking it’s a lost item, persuades Harry to travel with him to Aspen, Colorado. Their journey is packed with funny and often ridiculous situations that highlight their lack of common sense and tendency to get into trouble.
With its slapstick humor, memorable lines, and iconic moments—such as the well-known “most annoying sound in the world” scene—”Dumb and Dumber” became a hallmark comedy of the 1990s. The chemistry between Carrey and Daniels, along with their dedication to their characters, added to the film’s appeal, making it a favorite among audiences.
The movie’s popularity resulted in a sequel, “Dumb and Dumber To,” and it continues to be appreciated for its irreverent humor and the heartwarming friendship between the main characters.