“Deadly Luphoria” is a gripping thriller that delves into the dark world of human trafficking. After one fateful night, spirited college student Shanna Jones finds herself the target of ruthless crime boss Romion Kingston. As Shanna’s life unfolds, she must do everything in her power to evade capture and expose the shadowy organization.
With each development, Shanna’s desperation grows and the stakes rise. A mysterious ally, Martin, emerges as her potential savior, but can he be trusted? As the game of cat and mouse escalates, Shanna’s world collide with Romeon’s empire, threatening to destroy everything she holds dear.
Robin Givens shines as Kim, Shanna’s overprotective mother, while Glenn Plummer brings the Menace to life as Romeon. Trina LaFargue’s powerful performance as Shanna anchors the film, capturing the vulnerability and resilience of a young woman fighting to Survive.
Director 2KTHOMAS expertly creates tension and suspense that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its raw intensity and unrelenting depiction of human trafficking, Deadly Ruphoria is a breathtaking and thought-provoking rollercoaster ride.
Deadly Ruphoria - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | Deadly Ruphoria |
Genre: | Action · Crime, thriller |
Release Date: | September 3, 2024 |
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