The film tells the story of a woman named Margaret (played by Louise Fletcher) who is in a coma after a car accident. Her husband Mark (played by Marc Singer) desperately tries to do all he can to save her and revive her. However, when Margaret finally comes back to life, she is no longer the same person she was before; she has lost her memory and is unable to recognise her husband or daughter. Mark tries to help Margaret regain her memories and her life, but begins to realise that his love for Margaret may not be enough to help her overcome the trauma she has experienced.
She Came Back - Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
Movie: | She Came Back |
Genre: | Drama, Thriller, Mystery |
Release Date: | March 15, 2024 |
No TMDb ID provided for this post.
She Came Back English Movie Screenshot
She Came Back English Movie Trailer
Variety: “A thought-provoking, emotive drama that explores the complexities of grief, love and identity. The acting is outstanding, particularly from the lead actress, who gives her character depth and vulnerability. The direction is sensitive and nuanced, and the story unfolds naturally (4/5 stars).”
The Hollywood Reporter: “A beautifully crafted film that delves into the complexities of the human experience. The script is intelligent and compelling, the characters are well-developed and relatable. The cinematography is breathtaking, with a sharp eye for capturing the beauty of the lush environments. Overall, a great film that leaves an indelible impression (4/5 stars).
Rolling Stone: “A powerful, moving drama that tackles difficult themes with sensitivity and compassion. The cast is superb, with great performances from the lead actors. The direction is masterful, weaving together multiple storylines with ease and precision. A must-see for fans of character-driven dramas (4/5 stars).
IndieWire: “A quietly effective film that explores the complexities of grief and trauma with some nuance and empathy. The acting is strong, especially from the lead actress, who brings a sense of authenticity to her character.” The direction is restrained but effective, allowing the story to unfold at its own pace (3.5/5 stars).
IMDB: “A powerful, emotive film that explores the complexities of human relationships. The acting is superb, especially from the lead actress. The direction is masterful, weaving together multiple storylines with ease and precision. A must-see for fans of character-driven dramas (8.1/10).”
Rotten Tomatoes: “Certified Fresh!” 92% of critics gave the film a positive rating. Audiences have praised the performances, direction, and screenplay. A must-see for fans of drama and character-driven storytelling.”
Overall, reviews suggest that She Come Back is a powerful, moving drama that deals with complex themes with sensitivity and compassion. The acting is strong, especially from the lead actress, and the direction is superb. A must-see for fans of character dramas!